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Daryl's Tip Of The Month - Alginate Impressions

Accutech Daryl's Dental Orthodontic Tip

Digital technology aside, taking an alginate impression is still one of the most common procedures used in a dental office, but, if it's not done correctly, it can become one of the most costly ones. Here are a few tips that may help save you money, time, and frustration:

• Make sure the directions are being followed according to the impression material container.

• Confirm the impression is accurate and includes all the anatomy needed to build the appliance you are ordering.

• Make sure impressions are wrapped in wet paper towels and placed in a sealed plastic bag before shipping to the lab. This protects the integrity of the material. 

We hope you found this tip helpful! We are always happy to share best practice knowledge with our customers, as well as we offer one-on one training sessions with a dental technician certified in the fabrication of orthodontic appliances by the National Association of Dental Laboratories. Our training services are not just “one size fits all” classes. You can choose the agenda based on the needs of your particular practice. For more information visit Orthodontic Lab Training Classes.